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Welcome! I'm toria.

If you're new here, thanks for stopping by! On this blog, you'll find posts about life topics, and lifestyle advice. I love to write from personal experience, and lessons I’ve learned.  Along with the deep chats, expect the occasional post about travel, or other lifestyle activities I might be up to.

~A bit of who I am~

I'm just a lady who loves tea more than coffee, dancing with my headphones in, new cities, grey skies in california, and all the dark chocolate.

I'd love to get to know you!

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Knowing Your Worth

Knowing Your Worth

Let's think about worth for a second. Where does your worth come from, and what does it mean to you? Does it come from what you do? From how much money you make? From how many people love you? This week, I've been thinking about the concept of worth, and how we view our worth as individuals. Does our worth change depending on what we are doing, or what others think of us? Or does our worth as people change at all?  

I believe, we are all worth a great deal. We are all worth so much more than we think. And none of it has to do with what we do, what we've done, or based on what others think of us.   

1. How do you define your worth? 

When you think about your worth as a person, how do you see yourself? How do you define it? Most people define their worth in relation to what they do, their actions, or how successful they are in their minds.

If you search "my worth' on the internet, you'll see answers in relation to how much you're worth in money, and how much your net worth is depending on what you own. The more things you own, the bigger your saving account is, the nicer house you have, the better your job is, the more you are worth. Right? We are given the impression, that we are worth what we own, and based on, what we do in life. And that is what defines it. But does it really? It seems silly to use that as an example, but ask yourself this. 

Have you ever felt pressure to have certain things in your life, because it would make you would feel more successful? Or maybe you thought to yourself, "If I have this in my life, or if I own this, or have done this, then people will see me as more. And then I will be more worthy. And if I'm more worthy, I will be more deserving of love, or recognition, or appreciation from others in life." Thought like that before? It's okay, you don't have to admit it to me. I know at times, I have. And all this does, is create an internal problem. 

With this mindset, we compare our worth to others. In the back of our heads, we 'level up' ourselves with those around us. We see others with less, or with more worth because of these things. We feel we are better than them, or less than them, because of our differentiating circumstances and situations. Friend, that is a sad place to be, and let me just say, 

Worth isn't defined by your circumstances, your positions, or by the things you have in life.When you measure your self worth by these things, you will never feel good enough. Firstly, because these things are constantly changing. And secondly, because someone will always have 'more' than you, making you feel, never fully 'worthy' in life.  

It could be anything. More money, more friends, more things, etc. And that causes you to feel less worthy, and lacking. But your worth isn't defined by those things. You have great worth. Because of where, and who that worth comes from. 

2. Who gives us worth? 

You have a certain worth built into the very depths of you. You're true value doesn't come from your abilities, it's God given. Someone once told me, "If you're alive and breathing, you were created for a purpose. It wasn't by fluke, or by accident, it was for a reason." This gives you great worth, in and of itself. It not only gives you great worth, but unique worth. And that is worth more than anything. We should view ourselves, as He views us. With purpose, greatly loved, and highly valued. 

3. What about when your worth feels lost? 

It's hard to fight these thoughts. Sometimes, there are days where you question your value. It's easy to look around you, and feel less than, and not enough for whatever reason. It's easy to feel like you're not as 'valuable' as someone else. 

But know this.

Your worth can't be taken away. Your real worth isn't something that can be lost. You are worth more than you can ever imagine. It doesn't change depending on your circumstances. It doesn't change depending on your age. Your worth doesn't change circumstantially.  Or positionally, financially, socially, or even physically. Not even close. 

If you feel like you've been feeling like you're not enough for some reason, or you've been let down by something, ask yourself this. Where are you putting your worth? Is it in the things around you? The things that happened to you, or we're taken from you? In the things you've achieved? Remember, you matter to God. The love He has for you, will always give you immeasurable worth. More than any achievement, any milestone, any opinions, anything you see that gives you self worth. You are valued so much more than you can ever imagine. No matter what happens, or how you may feel. This can't be taken away, or lost by something that happens. 

It's built in. 

It's immeasurable. 

It's God given.  

And to me, that is incredible. This subject will have me thinking, for a few more weeks. What do you think about worth? 






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