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Welcome! I'm toria.

If you're new here, thanks for stopping by! On this blog, you'll find posts about life topics, and lifestyle advice. I love to write from personal experience, and lessons I’ve learned.  Along with the deep chats, expect the occasional post about travel, or other lifestyle activities I might be up to.

~A bit of who I am~

I'm just a lady who loves tea more than coffee, dancing with my headphones in, new cities, grey skies in california, and all the dark chocolate.

I'd love to get to know you!

Follow me on Instagram (where I’m always at!) to be in the loop with everything 'liketoria'  

Current Skincare Products

Current Skincare Products

I wanted to talk about some skincare favorites of mine. 

I've been using these for over 6 months now, and have become quite fond of them. I'm pretty simple when it comes to skincare, and am pretty picky when it comes to what I add to my skincare routine. For the longest time I never paid attention to my skin, let alone have a skincare routine. But recently, I've been into taking care of it, and trying to protect it as much as possible. Although, I did come back from visiting up in central cali this past week, and got the worst unexpected sunburn on my face. It only lasted for about 3 days thanks to 'the honest company' healing balm, and good 'ol coconut oil. It's mostly gone now, but the peeling stage has begun for sure. Hooray!

Now that I have somewhat of a routine, my skin has been better than usual. I have dry, or combination skin. I don't usually have to worry about it being oily, but keeping it hydrated is definitley need for me. 

My two most basic, most simple, and cheep, choices for hydration and moisture are Coconut Oil, and Grapeseed Oil. For coconut oil, I usually keep mine in a reusable container, or anything with a screw on lid. You can keep it on hand, in your bathroom cupboard, or on your dresser. I only use a small amount, and let it sink in (usually) overnight.

Grapeseed Oil can be used the same. It's just another option for deep a moisturizing treatment.  It leaves my skin smooth, soft, and even toned. 

One habit I have come to take on, is taking off my makeup completely after each use. I don't wear makeup everyday, but when I do I like to make sure I remove it all, and I'll be honest, it's one of the best feelings ever. I found this facial cleanser at TJ Maxx last August, and have bought two more refills since then. I absolutely love it! I've never tried this brand before, but am hooked on it now.

This cleanser can be used to remove makeup, dirt, oil, or just to clean your face after a long day. It's more on the natural side, with no parabens, phthalates, 100% vegetarian ingredients and is not tested on animals. It has a wonderful fresh pineapple smell, and is quite gentle on your skin. I've yet to try the Coconut face wash version (which is similar) but I have tried their everyday moisturizer with green tea, and aloe. I would recommend that one 100%. It's about $10 or so at Target, and mine lasted me about 5 months. (Pretty good for an everyday moisturizer!) 

Next are these two serums. I use these about every other day. My sister got me into Vitamin C serum, which can help with dark spots, uneven tone, and expression lines. I picked up a bottle at a TJ Maxx in Portland last September and am still using it! After about 3-4 days of use, I noticed a huge difference. And now It's part of my routine. The second bottle was given to me from my sister, as a gift, and I mix it into the vitamin C serum, and apply both. This one (the green one) is good for hydration, and has Vitamin E in it as well. You only need about a drop or so of each, and apply it to your face before moisturizer.

These are basically all I'm using on my skin right now, and they work fantastic for me! I am curious to what you products you are into at the moment, so let me know below!  

If you're more like me, you are (for the most part) pretty simple when it comes to skincare, and skin products. And I think that is totally okay.





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