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Welcome! I'm toria.

If you're new here, thanks for stopping by! On this blog, you'll find posts about life topics, and lifestyle advice. I love to write from personal experience, and lessons I’ve learned.  Along with the deep chats, expect the occasional post about travel, or other lifestyle activities I might be up to.

~A bit of who I am~

I'm just a lady who loves tea more than coffee, dancing with my headphones in, new cities, grey skies in california, and all the dark chocolate.

I'd love to get to know you!

Follow me on Instagram (where I’m always at!) to be in the loop with everything 'liketoria'  

My 3 favorite Oatmeal recipes

My 3 favorite Oatmeal recipes

When you think about it Oatmeal seems like a boring breakfast. 

But it is my favorite.

And I have it for dinner sometimes. 

We're being honest here.

Old fashioned rolled Oats are a whole grain, and are naturally gluten-free. Along with having a little fiber, they're great before a workout, as they are 'slow-release energy' food that keeps you going!

If you think Oatmeal is only for brown sugar and milk, or that it's just a 'boring' choice, than these recipes are for you.

One thing about Oatmeal, is that it never gets old. If you're creative with your toppings, and are willing to try new things, this is a breakfast that you will go back to making time and time again. These recipes below, are filled with superfoods, healthy fats, and natural sugars. 

For all of these recipes, I start by making the Oats themselves. You can use water, or Milk for this, (most of the time I use half almond milk half water.)

 Here are my 3 favorite Oatmeal Recipes.  

1. Pecans, Chocolate, and Fig.

Okay, so this might be one of my all time favorites. Ever, ever! It's decadent and rich flavors make you feel like you're eating a fancy dessert for breakfast. This trio pair so well together, you'll want to make this every morning again, and again!  

And it's healthy! maybe not so much the chocolate chips. But If you're on a more focused meal plan, you can always swap them out for cacao nibs, or a tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder.  

I also added chia seeds to one side. if you haven't heard of them before, they are full of omega 3's and 6's fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, and protein. These are incredible for your body, and so easy to mix in with your Oatmeal.

You could add a drizzle of honey, agave, or pure maple syrup. For lower sugar, simply add a few pinches of stevia to your oats while they are cooking. (definitely add-to-taste as stevia is very powerful!) 


2. Strawberry with Maca Powder and Cinnamon.

Never heard of Maca Powder before? I hadn't either before early of last year. Maca is a root, that is most commonly ground into a powder and is used as a superfood. It's originated in Peru, and has amazing nutritional benefits that include vitamin B, C, and E. It's great for your overall health, mood, energy and more. 


When added to oatmeal, with strawberries, I feel like it can have a peanut buttery flavor to it. So picture this combination as a PB&J kind of pairing. Simply mix about a tablespoon of Maca into your oats while cooking. Add cinnamon, coconut palm sugar, honey, or agave and top with sliced strawberries.

You'll be dreaming about this when you go to sleep, and singing about it the next morning. 

3. Dark Chocolate, Cherry, and Banana.

With this bowl, I added unsweetened cocoa powder, stevia, 1 tbsp of coconut oil, and sprinkled it with dried cherries, and sliced banana. Oh my goodness. This is delicious. 

Adding coconut oil is a great way to get a healthy fat in, and to keep you full for longer. It does give this a slight coconut taste so if you're not a fan, simply switch it out with almond butter or peanut butter.  

These are just a few of my current favorites. Simple, easy, healthy, and oh so delicious.  

Still think that Oatmeal is 'not your breakfast'? 

Switch it up! Get creative, and I promise you. 

you'll change your mind.



7 things I learned in Portland, Oregon

7 things I learned in Portland, Oregon