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~A bit of who I am~

I'm just a lady who loves tea more than coffee, dancing with my headphones in, new cities, grey skies in california, and all the dark chocolate.

I'd love to get to know you!

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5 Favorite Health Bars

5 Favorite Health Bars

With summer in full swing, and everyone celebrating, going places, and on vacation, I thought I'd share my five favorite energy bars/treats, you can try for yourself next time you're on a adventure, and need a energy boost.  

If you're anything like me, as the day goes by you end up craving something sweet in the afternoon. These are great for the afternoon treat, or for when the hunger strikes in the middle of your work shift. They are pretty healthy, full of good fats, and complex carbs, and whole grains, that won't knock you off track if you're watching your weight. Most of them are low sugar, or made with natural sugar. For me, that's always a plus!! I tend to feel better throughout the day, without excess, or added sugars. 

These are also perfect for traveling. They are my top picks that I always go back to. 

If you're looking to try a healthier granola bar/ health bar /energy bar / whatever you want to call it, give these a try! 

Up first,

1. The Perfect Bar 

What they're known for: Just like it's name, this bar might in fact be perfect. The Perfect Bar company prides itself in being a well rounded snack. It's made with non GMO ingredients, complex carbohydrates, high quality protein, gluten free, kosher, and it has twenty hidden superfoods added in each, and every bar. 

Why I like them: Mainly because, they're soft, and have a peanut butter cookie dough-like texture to them. You have to keep these in your refrigerator, because they use real ingredients, they're more perishable than most energy bars. They're the perfect post workout fuel, or afternoon treat. They come in all different flavors. My favorites are the Almond butter, and Maple Almond. Ugh. heaven. 

Where to find them: You can find these at Target, in the refrigerator section! I paid about $2.49 for each. Both together ended up being about $5.00. I'm not sure if another store carries it at a lower price. 

2. Lenny and Larry's Complete Protein Cookie

5 favorite health bars -protien cookie
5 fav health bars protein cookie

What they're known for: These babes are packed full of plant protein, with anywhere from 16-20 grams per cookie. They are non GMO, full of fiber, soy free, and vegan. This is great for hiking, on-the-go, as an end of the day dessert, or anytime you want a 'healthier' cookie. A great way add a boost of protein to your day, without having to whip up a shake. 

Why I like them: Well, they're basically a giant cookie, that you can feel good about eating. And who doesn't love that? I'm all for indulging in the regular homemade non-healthy cookies from time to time. But when you're craving cookies non-stop all week.. Look for these guys!! the serving size says 1/2 a cookie...but I eat the whole thing. *not ashamed.

My Favorites are, the double chocolate, and chocolate chip. But I know they have tons of flavors. Including Snickerdoodle, Birthday Cake, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal Raisin, White Chocolate Macadamia, Lemon Poppy Seed, Pumpkin Spice, and Coconut Chocolate Chip. 

Where to find them: Walmart carries these, as well as the Juice It Up near me! Yesterday for a single cookie I paid $2.50 

3. The Kind Bar. 

kind bar 5 fav health bars
kind bar 5 fav health bars

What they're known for: The Kind company are all about being kind to our bodies, and to the planet. They are gluten free, low in sugar, and mainly consists of nuts, mixed fruit, spices, and honey. Simplicity and deliciousness are their main goals.

Why I like them: Okay so, these are not very sweet, with only four grams of sugar per bar, and are a little more on the crunchy side. But I love them anyways. These are basically like a fancy granola bar. The company also has breakfast bars, and regular granola as well. My favorite is the one shown above, Dark Chocolate, and Sea Salt. Although the Coconut Dark Chocolate one, will knock your socks off.  

Where to find them: The most common place I see these guys hanging out is Starbucks! You can grab one at the counter before you checkout, the next time you're there. Just remember, they're not a soft bar. But they are tasty, and healthy. Trader Joe's also sells them for $1.49 each.  

4. The Clif Bar 

clif bar 5 fav health bars

What they're known for: Clif Bar & Company are very planet oriented, and use only organic ingredients. They use environment friendly packaging, and they've been around for over twenty years. They have a bar tailored for kids, and a bar just for women, The Luna Bar. They have tons of flavors, and make the perfect travel buddy. 

Why I like Them: I'm simply a fan of the chewy texture of the bars, especially when they're refrigerated. They make a perfect snack, and keep your energy going. My personal favorite is definitely the Peanut Butter, or Coconut Chocolate Chip flavor.

Where to find them: Everywhere! Walmart, Target, Stater Bro's, Amazon, etc. I paid $0.99 for this one at Trader Joe's. 

Annnnnd lastly,


lara bar 5 fav health bars

What they're known for: Ahhhh LÄRABAR. Old friend. LÄRABAR company are all about simple natural ingredients, that are minimally processed. They're made from mainly nuts, fruit, and spices. They're not low sugar, but the sugar is all natural sugar from dates. Which is better for you, than any processed sugar, or artificial sugar, or sugar alcohols. 

 Why I like Them: My favorite is the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip. Because It literally tastes like peanut butter chocolate cookie dough. These are also really cheap! Which helps when you're on a budget. You know you're getting a healthy snack, and it's at a great price. 

Where to find them: Once again, Trader Joe's carries these for $1.19 each. They're also at Target, Walmart, Amazon, and pretty much everywhere else! 

lara bar 5 fav health bars

These are just a few of my everyday go-to bars. If you have any personal favorites, or I missed one of your all time go-to's, let me know in the comments! I'm always looking to try new things. I still have yet to try The Rxbar, and The Luna Bar. 

I keep seeing them everywhere!






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